Ape-in, three-wheeled indoor vehicle

Ape-in is created to satisfy the need to transport people in private areas such as large fairs. His style is reminiscent of the Vespa to mark its Italian character. Because of its indoor use is an electric vehicle.
Ape-in can carry four passengers besides the driver. Two of the passengers are sitting down on the back seat and the other two are resting on the back of the driver's seat.
The batteries that power the electric motor of the vehicle are situated under the driver's seat. It is possible to raise the seat in order to access the batteries for their maintenance.
The batteries are fixed by a mechanism that also allows their removal using a handle that releases the blocking element.
During the industrialization phase of the project an analysis of the possible materials and production processes, the supported efforts, costs and the assembling of the components was developed. A summary of the analysis performed for the front seat is shown below:
Ape-in, three-wheeled indoor vehicle

Ape-in, three-wheeled indoor vehicle

Ape-in is a three-wheeled indoor vehicle for people transportation in fairs.
